Wednesday, 28 November 2012

法式草莓慕斯蛋糕 [Fraisier]

话说本来我家男人的生日蛋糕。。是上个星期就应该要弄给他跟他和家人在聚餐时就要切的。。。可是后来基于上个星期弄两个翻糖都已经把我累垮了。。就延后到这周末才动工。。。也好啦。。其实另外一个原因是完全还没有把握去弄一个漂亮且全新尝试的蛋糕给老公。。。上星期碰巧我们上Modern French Pastry这一课 ~ 有学到几样很不一样的(可以说是)蛋糕。。我们学东西就应该活学活用。。。趁着星期六就挑选了一种比较没那么复杂的蛋糕。。做给老公当是小小的补偿。。

法式草莓慕斯蛋糕 [Fraisier] 

杏仁海绵蛋糕 (Almond Sponge)
Whole Egg ~ 75g
Almond Powder (break big chunks) ~ 65g
Icing Sugar (sifted) ~ 65g
Low Protein Flour (sifted)~ 15g
(sift icing sugar & flour then mix with almond powder) 
Egg White ~ 55g
Sugar ~ 10g
Butter ~ 15g (Melted & Warm)

Oven preheat at 200*C
1) Beat the whole eggs (A) with whisk attachment until pale and fluffy
2) In a separate mixing bowl, whip up egg white with sugar (C) to make a French meringue
3) Fold in meringue (C) & sifted dry ingredient (B) into the whipped whole egg (A). Fold in lightly to prevent collapse.
4) lastly fold in melted warm butter and mix well.
5) Spread the batter evenly on a baking tray lined with silpat or parchment/baking paper
6) Bake at 200*C for 10 minutes. Let cool on wire rack.

香草慕斯 (Vanilla Mousse)
Milk ~ 250g
Vanilla Essence ~ 1+ 1/2 tsp
Lemon Zest ~ 1/2 nos
Sugar ~ 70g
Corn Flour/custard powder ~ 20g
Egg Yolk ~ 60g
Gelatine Powder ~ 9g
Cold Water ~50g
Whipping Cream ~ 350
Strawberry (For place into filling) ~ 500g (Wash, cut half)

 1) Bring (A) and half of the sugar from (B) to boil
2) for (B) mix the remaining sugar into corn flour first (this is to prevent lumps), then add in egg yolk. Mix well
3) When (A) is boil, pour 1/2 amount of the boiling liquid into (B), mix and stir well with whisk then pour back into (A) and cook till thick, leave flame & set aside. (This is actually pastry cream with lemon zest)
4) mix (C) together and wait till gelatine "bloom", then add into the liquid while it's still hot. Stir well and let the gelatine fully dissolved. Set aside till full cool down to room temperature.
5) When the pastry cream is fully cool down, whip up the whipping cream (D), then fold in the pastry cream. Ready to assemble

To Assemble:
1) Cut the sponge sheet with desire cake ring. This cake needs 2 piece of sponge, one for the base, another for the top.
2) Place one sponge at the base of the cake ring, then pipe in a thin layer of vanilla mousse.
3) Line the half strawberries side by side with sides stick closely to the cake tin. place some in the center too.
4) Pipe the vanilla mousse between strawberries to fill in the gaps until covers all the strawberries.
5) Place another layer of sponge at the top. Press with some pressure.
6) finally spread a very thin layer of the vanilla mousse to cover the sponge.
7) keep refrigerated for overnight or at least 4 hours to let the gelatine set.
8) to unmould, place the cake on a cup, simply warm the ring with blow torch or wrap around the ring with warm towel. then, pull the ring downwards. 
9) deco: For me, i glaze with a very thin layer of piping gel, and decorate with fresh berries. DONE!!

老公不喜欢又甜又腻的蛋糕。。所以这Fraisier就最适合了!!大棵大棵的草莓真令人为之锤涎~~ 虽然只是个小小的蛋糕。。可是老公还是很喜欢。。"老公生日快乐。。爱你哦~" ^_^

Thursday, 22 November 2012

再次勇战[翻糖]蛋糕 ~ 礼物 & Love Birds

话说经过上次的[翻糖初体验]后。。有许多熟悉的朋友。。甚至有经过朋友介绍的[买家]都纷纷向我讯问有关翻糖蛋糕的价格。。并且有意想要订购。。可是基于对[翻糖]还在初哥阶段的我。。不敢掉以轻心。。毕竟上次还真的只是是第一次。。再加上没有十足的把握给它做好。。所以都一一给他们推搪了。。原因很简单~蛋糕是一份祝福。。我不想将别人委托你帮他传达的祝福给搞砸了。。 :)

逢遇到年尾。。特别的节日也自然特别多。。除了身边有不少朋友生日。。有许多朋友也选择在年尾过年之前[拉埋]或注册。。刚好我身边有两对比较要好的couple friends。。(几乎每个周末都粘在一起吃饭玩game) ~~ 一个就生日。。另外一对就注册结婚。。生日的那位之前在我替我侄儿弄[一岁赛车跑道蛋糕]时其实有开玩笑的要求要一个翻糖。。那就好啦 ~~ 难得他们不嫌弃做我的白老鼠。。我就有机会动手送我的祝福给他们啦。。再加上信心是需要多多练习磨练出来的。。更何况我最近上了cake decorator Chef Peachy的 demo课。。应该活学活用才对!

生日的那位咧。。。因为她喜欢有cheese的东西。。所以我就打算弄5月份母亲节做过的。。有cream cheese 内馅的 红丝绒蛋糕(Red Velvet Cake) 给她。。。 红红好睬头嘛~ ^^ ~  蛋糕体的食谱跟之前的一样。。。唯一改变的就是将菜油 canola oil改成牛油butter。。因为我需要牛油所给的松软跟口感。。还有不一样的就是这次用了向老妈借过来的大机mixer。。。出来的成果让我真的对这蛋糕刮目相看。。因为真的很很很很非常非常非常的松软!!我想。。这就是牛油跟大机的魅力!!由于蛋糕本身是微红色的。。那我的蛋糕装饰也选择了简单的红白色配搭。。主题就是[礼物]~~

另外注册的那一对咧。。其实是个surprise蛋糕来的。。嘻嘻。。当然即使是surprise也绝对不能马虎。。蛋糕体方面我决定尝试刚刚上了demo Chef Peachy 所分享的 carrot cake食谱。。基于出席这次小小聚会的人数不算多。。我就做了一个体积比较小的(大概4寸半的)可爱萝卜蛋糕。。装饰方面也当然走可爱甜蜜路线。。就捏了一对可爱的love birds。。主题当然是[Love Birds]咯 ~~ 嘻嘻。。 ^^

幸好有上之前Chef Peachy的demo。。。知道了怎么做。。从切割到涂cream甚至到盖翻糖。。整个过程都进行得非常顺利。。!!收到蛋糕的朋友们也非常开心~~ ^^

这次做的蛋糕让我非常满意。。有符合了我当初做翻糖蛋所拟定的原则。。"好看又好吃"。。算是又跨一大步了!! ^^

所以各位亲爱的朋友们。。如果你们不介意当我的白老鼠的话。。(嘻嘻)~ 我很乐意为你们做蛋糕。。最多收你们便宜一点。。 :p

Asia Pastry Forum


话说我们学校在11月举办Asia Pastry Forum的交流会。。更特地请来了国外各顶级名厨师到来我们学校。。主要是邀请这里还有其他亚洲国家的厨师来看观看。。并且来个近距离的交流。。

特别幸运的当然是我们这一班"乳臭未干"keh-leh-feh学徒。。学校也对我们特别爱戴。。临时才通知我们延后一星期的课程。。主要是让我们也参与其中。。坐在观众席上看顶级名厨师们表演。。。而且最重要的是。。人家需要付差不多千五美金的课程。。。我们竟然能够免费学习!!简直是OH 太兴奋了!!

 Tart & Gateau learning with Master pastry chef Eric Perez

French pastry demo by chef Jean Francois Arnaud (Meilleur Ouvrier de France - M.O.F.)


Bread making demo ~~~ by Master French Baker Chef Franck Heuze


Plated Dessert demo by awesome Chef Janice Wong of 2AM dessert bar


wedding cake decoration demo by awesome Cake Decorator Chef Peachy Juban all the way from The Philippines! 


 这整个星期真的学到很多很多。。。尤其是wedding cake的那一课。。。真的让我获益良多!!现在我更有信心去掌握翻糖了!!!

Up Next:  胆量现在更大更粗的在同一时间连续盖两粒翻糖蛋糕~应该这两天以内就上吧!

Saturday, 10 November 2012

火龙果幕斯蛋糕 [Red Pitaya Charlotte]



在做蛋糕的前两个周末趁着空闲时候。。就拉着老公到附近的水果店去选水果。。。(由于是自己从新调过的食谱。。好歹也得自己先试做试吃吧~) 平时不怎么吃水果的我当然也不知道芒果原来也有不同的种类。。每一种的甜度酸度色香味都有很大的差异。。




对~这是我的手指饼干。。量了蛋糕模的高度然后用piping bag直接pipe出一条条。。两个圆的就是蛋糕体的底部与中层。。


 火龙果幕斯蛋糕 [Red Pitaya Charlotte]
Recipe for 1 x 6 inch round cake tin

手指饼干 (Lady Fingers / Sponge Fingers)
蛋黄(Egg yolk) - 50g
细沙糖 (Granulated Sugar) - 15g
蛋白 (Egg white) - 75g
细沙糖 (Granulated Sugar) - 45g
塔粉 (Cream of Tartar) - 1/4 tsp
低粉 (Cake Flour) - 35g
玉米粉 (Corn Flour) - 35g
牛油-融化保温 (Butter, melted & keep warm) - 15g

Preheat oven 180*C, on a baking paper measure & draw out the height of your cake tin as a guideline to pipe your fingers
1) Whisk Egg Yolk & Sugar (A) over a double-boiler till sugar fully dissolved, remove from heat and continue to whisk till fluffy.
2) With mixer, whip up the egg whites (B), gradually add in sugar & cream of tartar in 3 parts and beat until stiff peak.
3) Temper some white mixture into the yolk mixture.
4) Alternately** fold in the sifted flour & tempered yolk mixture into the egg white
Note: **1 part flour + 1 part yolk + 1 part flour + 1 part yolk.. this technique is to minimize the folding time and to prevent batter from collapse.
5) Fold gently to prevent mixture from being collapse.
6) When the mixture is 85% incorporated, temper warm melted butter with some batter, the fold in really lightly back into the batter till fully incorporated. DO NOT OVERFOLD.
7) place the batter into a piping bag & cut the tip around 1cm in diameter. 
8) Pipe out the "fingers" according to the height of your cake tin (that u going to assemble your cake & set the mousse), as well as 2 round sponge (as according to the base of the cake tin)
9) bake at 180*C for 8-10 minutes. till the surface is still soft when touch (do not overbake, else the fingers might even crack when you bend to fix into the cake tin later)
10) set aside to cool. Dust with a layer of icing sugar or snow powder.

火龙果幕斯 (Red Pitaya Mousse)
火龙果泥(Red Pitaya [Dragon Fruit] Puree) - 220g
细沙糖(Granulated Sugar) - 70g
柠檬汁(Lemon Juice)- 20g
婴桃酒 (Kirsch) - 1tbsp
吉利丁粉(Gelatine Powder) - 9g
冷水 (Cold water ) - 45g
动物性鲜奶油 (Whipping cream) - 225ml 

Red Pitaya [Dragon Fruit] ~ remove the thick skin (ofcoz), cut into smaller size and blend into puree with food processor
1) Bring ingredient (A) to a boil. Leave flame and let cool down.
2) Mean time, bloom the gelatine into cold water, then melt it in the microwave or a double-boiler.
3)  Add the melted gelatine and Kirsch into the slight warm puree mixture. 
4) Let completely cool to room temperature. Option to store in the fridge to speed this process. (do not chill too cold)
5) When the puree is at room temperature, whip up the whipping cream, gently fold till combine and incorporate.

火龙果果冻 (Red Pitaya Jelly Topping)
火龙果泥(Red Pitaya [Dragon Fruit] Puree) - 60g
细沙糖(Granulated Sugar) - 20g
吉利丁粉(Gelatine Powder) - 4g
冷水 (Cold water ) - 20g

1) On top of a double-boiler, bring ingredient (A) to a boil (warm). Leave aside and let cool.
2) Mean time, bloom the gelatine into cold water, then melt it in the microwave or a double-boiler.
3)  Add the melted gelatine into the slight warm puree mixture. 
4) Let completely cool to room temperature.

To Assemble
1) In a 6" round cake tin (with removable base), line a layer of parchment paper around the (inner) side.
2) Coat another thin layer of icing sugar or snow powder onto the lady fingers. Bend the fingers and line it inside the cake tin. Then place a round sponge underneath as the base of the cake.
3) divide the mousse into half. Pour the first half portion of the mousse into the cake tin. 
4) Place another layer of sponge on top of the mousse, then pour the remaining mousse till 95% full. 
5) "Speed freeze" the cake at the freezer for 20-30 mins. (to let the surface set faster)
Note: luckily my new fridge has the "speed freeze"function.. it's very useful to act something like a milder version of blast freezer
6)  Once the surface is set, pour a thin layer of jelly on top of the mousse.
7) Let the cake set in the chiller for at least 4 hours.
8) Decorate with fresh fruits (recommend red + white pitayas). Glaze & done!


Phew~~! 很长的一道食谱。。懒惰弄?没关系。。call/email/fb我来跟我order啦!!哈哈哈哈 :p

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