当别人正在忙着烘年饼的时候。。我还在犹豫到底是不是要跟随传统的脚步。。心想"是谁说过年一定要吃年饼的?不做年饼可以吗?" 。。反正我对年饼这回事并不是真的那么的热情。。。再说如果要吃/送人。。。从老妈那边A几罐就可以啦!!
所以。。。当别人正在忙着烘年饼的时候。。我心里已经决定了要弄什么不一样的 -------> 巧克力
前一阵子有一位来自澳洲非常著名甜点师傅 Chef Adriano Zumbo 来到我们学校做Demo。。如果你有收看澳洲版的master chef。。你应该对他不陌生。。 我们这几个在Advance class的学生们非常荣幸的能够为他做事当上他的小小助手。。那时我觉得他作品的食材配搭相当有创艺。。也学习身为一位厨师真的要勇于尝试各种你认为没可能出现在一起的食材味道的配搭。。就这样。。过后我就立刻去书局搜索他的书。。将他其中一本"密笈"占为己有"。。。找了好几家书局终于让我找到了。。。
巧克力模型 |
铲,还有温度计。。心型巧克力模型。。 ^^ |
至于主角"巧克力"方面咧。。。调温型巧克力(Couverture Chocolate)跟非调温型巧克力(Compound Chocolate)两种的巧克力我都有用。。。Couverture Chocolate & Compound Chocolate的区别在哪里?其实区别就在巧克力的肢肪种类。。Couverture Chocolate含有Cocoa Butter。。而Compound Chocolate则用了Vegetable Fat。。味道和口感方面更不用说。。前者香纯润滑入口及化,可是就非常难搞。。因为Cocoa Butter需要调到适当的温度才会呈现最佳的口感及色泽。。而且对温度也相当的敏感。。相反的后者就比较容易handle。。也不需要什么调温。。融化了就能够直接拿来使用。。。可是口感跟味道的差别就很大很大很大。。由于我家里没有特别冷的chocolate room让我工作。。。所以只好选Compound Chocolate来Cast我的巧克力外壳咯。。。至于内馅我还是依然用了比较好吃(也比较贵)的Couverture Chocolate。。。
Recipe for Chocolate Filling
(Recipe refers to Chef Adriano Zumbo's Book [as above], with slight adjustment)
Red Wine Ganache 红酒奶油
Red Wine - 105g
Liquid Glucose - 33g
Butter (Soften) - 70g
Ground Black Pepper - Pinch
Milk Couverture - 210g
1) Bring red wine, glucose and pepper to boil over high heat.
2) Pour the mixture over into the milk couverture, stir with whisk till chocolate is melted.
3) Let set aside to cool. When the mixture reach between 35*C to 40*C, add in butter. Blend with hand blender.
4) Let completely cool to room temperature
Red Wine Caramel 红酒焦糖
Liquid Glucose - 50g
Castor Sugar - 250g
Red Wine - 145g
Ground Black Pepper - Pinch
Whipping Cream - 145g
1) Cook Glucose, sugar and 120g of red wine over medium-high heat, stir till sugar dissolved. Continue to boil for 10-12 minutes or mixture reach 165*C. Mixture will get thicker and smells like caramel toffee.
2) Meantime, in another saucepan, warm cream, pepper and the remaining red wine till just boil. (option to heat up in microwave)
3) When caramel reach 165*C, remove from heat (switch off flame), then gradually stir in the warmed cream. (Note dont add in too fast as it will generate a lot of steam)
4) Pour the mixture out of the saucepan, and let cool to room temperature.
Mandarin Vanilla Ganache 柑橘香草奶油
Whipping Cream - 75g
Vanilla Essence - 2 tsp
Mandarin Orange Juice - 75g
Mandarin Orange Zest - 2 nos
Milk Couverture - 250g
Butter - 60g
1) Bring cream and vanilla essence to boil
2) in separate saucepan, heat mandarin juice and zest till 50*C (optional to heat up in microwave)
3) When the cream is boil, pour over to the chocolate, add in warmed mandarin juice and let the mixture sit for 2 minutes. Stir well.
4) let the mixture cool down till 45*C, add in butter and blend with hand blender till shiny and smooth.
5) Let completely cool to room temperature
To Assemble
For Red Wine Chocolate
Cast a thin layer of shell with dark chocolate, let set, then pipe in red wine caramel till 40% full, put in the freezer for 1-2 minute, then pipe in the red wine ganache till 90% full. Let the ganache to set. Lastly seal the chocolate with dark chocolate, scrape off the remaining and let the chocolate set completely. Knock out to un-mould.
For Mandarin Vanilla Ganache
Cast a thin layer of shell with dark chocolate, pipe in the mandarin vanilla ganache till 90% full. Let the ganache to set.
Lastly seal the chocolate with dark chocolate, scrape off the remaining
and let the chocolate set completely. Knock outto un-mould.
heart shape chocolate with red wine ganache + red wine caramel filling |
rectangular shape chocolate with mandarin orange ganache filling..... |
第一次在家做巧克力。。虽然因为不适应compound chocolate的个性。。加上设备有限。。而有点手忙脚乱。。可是还是顺利的把巧克力完成了。。好开心啊!!!
最后小女子恭祝各位部落友新年进步,万事如意,心想事成,厨艺更上一层楼。。 ^_^