Thursday 15 December 2011

♥ 4天3晚 ♥ 茶香·草莓·金马伦 ♥ 11月21日 ♥ Jim Thompson 是末水?

Jim Thompson出生在美国的富贵家庭,接受到完整良好的贵族教育,尤其在美学、艺术上的兴趣,让他成为一名建筑师。二次大战期间,投身美国中情局成为情 报员,二次大战后,他难以释怀东方艺术,遂留在泰国发展他的泰丝生意。西方富豪之家的背景身份,血液里流着对艺术的鉴赏因子,集结财力、鉴赏力、经营能 力,使他一举将泰丝变成世界知名工艺品。

有“泰丝之父”之称的美国人吉姆汤姆森(Jim Thompson)。1946年著名女摄记、“摄影新视觉浪潮”领军人物Germaine Krull,和因醉心东方传统艺术而于二战后来到泰国的吉姆汤姆森在东方酒店酒吧聚谈,他们看好曼谷必成西方游客度假胜地,决定把它经营成符合国际标准的 顶尖酒店。当时酒店土地属于王室,两人于是找了有势力的合伙人:一位王子,一位后来的总理。Krull结束记者生涯投入酒店经营,却与吉姆汤姆森意见相左 失和。退出酒店生意的吉姆汤姆森转向泰丝工业,终成国际知名泰丝大王。


Jim Thompson, born March 21st , 1906 in Greenville, Delaware, was an American architect who helped revitalize Thailand's silk and textile industry in the 1950s and 1960s.

Thompson, previously a member of the CIA, disappeared mysteriously after going for an afternoon walk on Easter Sunday in Cameron Highlands on March 26th, 1967.

Jim Thompson was on a quiet sojourn to the highlands to visit some friends and the fact that he left his cigarettes and a small silver 'jungle box' on the chair outside Moonlight Cottage where he was staying suggests that he had not planned to be gone for long.

Thompson was never seen again, and the theories for his disappearance are many, some plausible and others complex and far-fetched.

Many believe that he was kidnapped for his previous involvement in spying activities. However it is more likely that he was eaten by a tiger, murdered in a botched robbery or fell into an aboriginal animal trap (a pit with a spike) and buried by the Orang Asli when they discovered what had happened. Many hypotheses have been put forward to explain Thompson's disappearance, and there were some reported sightings of him after his disappearance, but what happened to him still remains one of the greater unsolved mysteries of Southeast Asia.

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